Parution on BFM TV ( france )

Thanks to Olivier Milleville for the great repport in BFM TV Le parapente comme si vous y étiez – 30/07 par BFMTV audience : around 400 000 viewers
Thanks to Olivier Milleville for the great repport in BFM TV Le parapente comme si vous y étiez – 30/07 par BFMTV audience : around 400 000 viewers
During the Montagne en scène festival, I get an interview from Disney Channel ( French ) to explain to the young people my sport. watch the video here Timing : 2:52 min
Great time and great meeting with the mister S team. Check the video : timing : 06:00
The french TV France 2 made a great repport about our work for the « JT de 20H ». Thanks Simon Ricottier and his team for the repport. Check the video on this link at 35:30 :,102813959.html Timing : 3’30 Viewer : around 5 millions.
Thanks to Thierry Coiffier and Julien Deniel to came visit me to make this great repport about my work.
Thanks to Frank Pedretti and Montagne en Scene festival to propose me to come on the TV show « L’espresso » ( beIN sport / French TV ). Timing : 10min Here is the link of the show but with a bug for the moment : Check the « portrait » :
Thanks to France Pierron and the Natural Games for the invitation on the french TV show « Menu Sport ». Channel : « l’équipe 21″ timing : 8:19min link :