Cover of the Dauphiné – Coupe Icare

Thanks to Emmanuelle Dufféal for this great photo and the interview for the Dauphiné.
Thanks to Emmanuelle Dufféal for this great photo and the interview for the Dauphiné.
Thanks to the « festival de parapente dos Açores » to make this interview possible. This article is in portugueuse.
I am really pround to see paragliding article in a people magazine. This article is pedagogique I explain how to start paragliding and try to give motivation to start our sport. Thanks to Helene Kalmes for the opporunity and to Patricia Oudit for the interview. Diffusion : magazine sold about 100 000
Parution in the Dauphiné libéré with my friend Manu Romain ! Thanks to Valérie Merle for the interview.
Article about the photographer Tristan Shu in « parapente+ » magazin with some photos of me in action. Thank you Tristan ! Bonus : a photo by Antoine Dischly of me in Speed Riding, in the city close to the police station.