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Interview in the french radio « Le Mouv’ »

le mouv 2
03 sept 2014 / in Media, Radio

Early this morning i get an interview from the radio « le Mouv’ » to talk about my sport and my job. Check the french interview down. duration : 4,33min

repport in the Azores news paper

article JB Chandelier 22082014
01 sept 2014 / in Magazine, Media

Thanks to the « festival de parapente dos Açores » to make this interview possible. This article is in portugueuse.

Article in VSD Magazine

27 août 2014 / in Magazine, Media, News

I am really pround to see paragliding article in a people magazine. This article is pedagogique I explain how to start paragliding and try to give motivation to start our sport. Thanks to Helene Kalmes for the opporunity and to Patricia Oudit for the interview. Diffusion : magazine sold about 100 000

20°Festival de Parapente dos Açores

25 août 2014 / in Festival, Media, News

Last week I was invited to be part of the 20°Festival de Parapente dos Açores. I discover an amazing place to fly but I also meet great persons. I will never forget this week and I am sure to come back there next year. Thanks to all the festival team for this great time ! […]

parution in the new Mister S episode ( TV )

29 juil 2014 / in Internet, Media, TV

One more episode about Freeriders by Mister S. Thanks to Leo Xaleo and Vincent de Azevedo for this great concept

Parution on BFM TV ( france )

27 juil 2014 / in Media, TV

Thanks to Olivier Milleville for the great repport in BFM TV Le parapente comme si vous y étiez – 30/07 par BFMTV audience : around 400 000 viewers

Parution in the Dauphiné

dauphine juillet 2014
23 juil 2014 / in Magazine, Media

Parution in the Dauphiné libéré with my friend Manu Romain ! Thanks to Valérie Merle for the interview.